In the last several years, I have further detached myself from giving the matrix’s false fiat monetary system any more of my time, attention, love, energy, due to indoctrination & pop cultural programming. I have full clarity that it is a tool that is still in use today so I use it for what it is, but without any emotional attachments to it or giving any unnecessary energy towards a fake money system that has enslaved the world by it. If you love this money, you are essentially a slave that loves the master’s system.
Lets get some clarity on how the Federal Reserve works. It is a private company that is owned & controlled by European bankers & monarch families. It is not part of the United States government at all. For every single dollar in the United States that is printed, there is an interest in this dollar.
For example, if there is $100 trillion US dollars total in circulation, then the United States must pay interest on the $100 trillion dollars. In order to pay this interest, the US will need more than $100 trillion because the total debt amount is now over $100 trillion. This will require the Federal Reserve to print more money, then again loaned to the US, to pay its interest debt owed, again with more interest & this cycle has never stopped since the early 1900's. The continuous lending of printed money with interest rates only creates a never-ending cycle of debt, which is the slave debt system. This is what US taxpayers have been paying for since the Federal Reserve took over. This central banking Federal Reserve system covers the entire globe except North Korea & Syria.
This system will in fact collapse in the very near future.
From a slave debt money system, a psychological mind control program has been implemented to ensure compliant slaves to pursue the money rat race. The glorification & the mind programming of the rat race money chase is vast & wide. This is a full brainwashing activation in today’s pop culture, in sports, entertainment & entrepreneurship. The love of money has overcome everything sacred, from the soul, body, mind, family, friends, God, Earth & human life.
This is produced by having a hand-selected & groomed group of influential humans to capture the attention & energy of the mass general population by talent, resources & the overflaunting of material wealth. The Have-Nots will always look towards the Haves for a template to become affluent.
The matrix big corporations love to give ignorant & low vibrational influential humans access to illusions of limitless money & power, while placing them on big stage platforms — usually in official & legal paperwork binding contracts & services that favors the big corps, adding more layers to the slave debt system.
They include celebrities, athletes, music artists & influencers with a decent amount of followers that willingly flaunt & promote luciferian lifestyles, self degrading images, worshiping false idols & entities. They are given large sums of money only to give it right back. This money gets spent on delusional material things that only promotes big corp brand names. The money is given right back to the car companies, luxury brands, alcohol companies & other big corp products as they promote & influence their, usually younger, audience the illusion of mass wealth & endless material things.
Hip hop has been pumped with a hustler mentality over everything to its young audience for decades & decades — to the point where the mentality of taking a human life for money has been normalized. This is also evident in other mind controlling forms of entertainment like films, tv & video games. Since hip hop is a massive cultural influencer & trendsetter, with its target audience that reaches every single human globally, hip hop was strategically weaponized as a poisonous mind control to its culture, listeners & followers.
Satanic & luciferian energies has flowed into hip hop & pop culture broadcasting its low hypnotizing frequencies that emphasizes & glorifies violence, self degrading & toxic behaviors, young oversexualized & sexually confused genders, consuming casual drugs & poisons, flaunting glutinous traits, inflated ego-drives, separation & divisiveness, family & friendship betrayal, hopeless troubled lost souls, mind manipulation for manifestation of worst self experiences, the worshipping of material things & false idols. The behaviors & mentality that glorifies & broadcasts the worship of a fake money system is also evident in contemporary pop art culture & for decades luxury brands are being depicted as new pop art culture.
However all hip hop & pop artists & music do not all promote these energies as there are a vast amount of artists that represent a higher consciousness & uplifting vibrations. Sadly these artists are not heavily promoted or given a mass platform by the luciferian matrix big corps.
The end result is a culture of misprogrammed young & lost humans that are led to believe in a falsified American dream, the endless rat race to love & chase a fake Federal Reserve slave debt money system. Every class of young people are set out to find their piece of the pie by any means necessary. Those who have a head start might pay an incredible high amount for a deceptive college education to those that are willing to commit crimes or sell their bodies for money.
Even the youngest kids that have the ability to operate a smart phone are being programmed to desire these matrix products & the ability to acquire them. As they grow older & compete with others in the rat race, many actually feel righteous with a sacrificial mentality by willingly giving up their valuable attention, energy & financial support to the matrix institutions & corporations that are enslaving & controlling them. The lost delusional mentality allows the matrix to further its manipulations without consequence or resistance from these humans. For example, black lives matter, as a fabricated social cause, raised TENS of MILLIONS of dollars that went to a masterful deceiving democratic party & next to zero dollars went to enhance the general population black lives. Where is the support for black families in the recent Texas storm from blm?
The billionaire images have been strategically designed & marketed to be desirable, integrous, honorable & lovable to the general public on purpose by brilliant fictional story writers of the press, news media & big tech industry. This brought a culture of the worshipping of any billionaires, as it is not a club opened for anyone to organically become a member. That is the illusion. This is a very well protected secret club & they will use every resource & power to preserve this old structure way of life. This small one percent is part of the global banking system & the banks control the big corps. Masses of humans have been deceived by beautiful propaganda, heart-warming & inspirational programming to idolized the billionaires, while 99% of them commit hideous crimes against the very humans that worship them — including mass rape, murder, pillaging, grand theft of money, resources, commodities, properties & livelihoods. These entrepreneurial stories told of how the billionaires got their start are as real as a Hollywood movie, not based on true stories.
Peace, Blessings, Love & Light 🙏🏽💜
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