Earth was a very dark place — seized and ruled by very dark forces who created a psychological and energetic prison matrix of astral debris that has existed for eons up to the present day. The DNA of the layered Human body-vessel was deactivated by manipulating beings who desired to keep Humans in the dark about who they truly are and enslave them in a holographic commercial slave matrix. To understand the amount of dark energy that Earth and Humanity must cleanse and dissolve, we must have an accurate and clear perspective of how much damage has been done.
Since the last Great Reset, around the 1700's, it birthed the New World Order — the creation of the United States corporation and the modern society as we know it today.
Our history is full of carnage and war that goes back for many centuries. The Samurai wars, hundreds of thousand civilian deaths by nuclear bomb in Hiroshima and Nagsaki, to the modern day Yakuza’s bloodshed in Japan, Tartarian, Mongolian and Chinese wars with Genghis Khan, 20 million deaths from Mao’s Communist Revolution, tens of millions of Chinese died by Sino-Japanese war, millions died from Polpot’s Cambodian genocide, millions of death from the Korean war and Vietnam war, 100 million Indian deaths from British colonialism, the raping and pillage of Vikings, the enslavement of the Irish and Scottish people, the Roman Empire wars, tens of millions of death of Russians, Jews, Germans, Europeans and Americans in WW1 and WW2, the bloodiest’s Middle East war between Iraq and Iran in the 1980’s, the Iraqi wars, Afghanistan, over a million deaths in the Armenian Genocide, hundreds of thousands died during the South African apartheid, 20 million deaths in the Congolese Genocide, millions of Africans have died under European colonialism, North America’s African slave trade, the genocide of the Native Americans, the massacre of Aboriginal people, blood sacrifices by the Aztecs & Mayans, the deaths by the Spanish Inquisition in South America, cartel wars in Colombia, Mexico, Central and South America, to today’s recent deaths in Ukraine and Gaza.
There is way too much to mention and we haven’t even covered human and child trafficking, human organ harvesting and the crimes against Humanity in the ‘deep underground military bases (DUMB’s) that connect worldwide. Our history has been MASSIVE nonstop bloodshed — a continuous mass satanic sacrifice, meanwhile the same aligning groups that puppeteer global events, profits from this dark loosh energy.
This dark energy produced heavy and dense karmic energy with Human Souls trapped in purgatory. Earth was also energetically quarantined so that Human Souls could not leave and were only allowed to incarnate back into this dark realm again.
Human Souls on Earth were placed into dark and horrible experiences, such as a young soldier in war or being in a position of kill or be killed — and when their time is up or faced with death, that Human Soul would have accumulated heavy karmic energy. Trapped in Earth’s quarantine, the Human Soul would incarnate back into the same timeline, in a different body-vessel, placed energetically according to their ‘karmic debt’ — only to accumulate more karmic debt, in more heavy and dark life experiences.
This was the Human timeline trap for eons on Earth.
In the energetic realm, all Light, particle matters, and conscious Energy that coexist within the same spacetime, outside of the Human’s sensual perception is called the 4th dimension (4D). This dimension is essentially unseen and unheard to the average 3D Human senses. 3rd density (3rd dimension) is only 1% of the full light & sound spectrum of what regular humans can experience. That means there’s 90% that exist outside of it. Within 4D, there is a complete new world that exists in the same spacetime of 3D — a world full of Light and dark, highly-intelligent and advanced conscious beings and entities, with long histories of activities and relationships, in timeline battles for their desired manifestations in the physical 3D realm. That’s where the manipulation on Humans has been going on for eons.
Throughout Earth’s history, there are haunting stories of ghosts, paranormal activities, poltergeists, Halloween or Samhain, ghouls, astral parasites, mischievous monkey demons, other demonic entities, devils, and all other dark entities. There’s plenty of movies based on real life events such as Annabelle, The Conjuring, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Deliver Us From Evil, The Possession, The Haunting in Connecticut, The Exorcist, and many more.
It is a certain dark event(s) that have caused these types of entities to linger in a purgatory state between the physical realm and nonphysical realm of the 4th dimension. They are scattered all over Earth with haunting stories in every country and culture since the beginning of Human history.
What are the causes for such things and events to exist here on Earth? Perhaps it’s from all the carnage and bloodshed from our history? Perhaps some entities have been conjured by the old satanic rulers? Perhaps they are alien-beings who have now made a home on Earth? Perhaps it’s all of the above and more.
On an energetic level, we need to know exactly what kind of energy we are dealing with, the amount of entities we have to deal with and how did we get here?
This is a very taboo subject that brings massive fear and anxiety for many Humans, especially those that do not have clarity on these matters.
Everything is Energy — certain objects can hold certain types of energies or frequencies. This is a known fact in the occult world. This is how a house or object can be haunted.
Objects can potentially hold dark energy even without the person knowing it — that is the trap. These objects could be a product, consumer goods, artwork, etc — produced by a dark entity, with dark intentions, which implants its energy or frequency into an object, which then potentially ends up in a home of unknowing Humans of its true energetic signature.
Objects with anti-christ symbolism, demonic artwork, skulls, blood, music, consumer products, apparel, jewelry, and pretty much anything that depicts or shows lower vibration images and messages can potentially be a bridge from the lower 4th dimensional realm into the physical home of the owner or holder of these things.
Horror movie posters, depicting death, blood, and killing, Marilyn or Charlie Manson content, can potentially be a portal for dark entities into the physical realm. Some are more obvious than others. Less obvious things can be commercial matrix products, which uses more hidden symbolism.
Look around your home. Look at the decorations and products — feel the Energy of the objects in your sacred home.
Are they produced by matrix companies that do not have the best interest for Humans? Does Grateful Dead merchandise hold a high frequency? What is the true frequency of that poster of Scarface shooting a bunch of people? Does your daughter use bloody vampiric lipstick from Kylie Jenner?
These items are ‘open invitations’ into unaware Human lives. They open up portals into unaware Humans’ lives. Alcohol, street, and big pharma drugs does a similar thing — opening up holes in the Auric Fields in Humans, where astral parasites and entities can come in. The word alcohol is from the Arabic term ‘Al-khul’, which means ‘body-eating-spirit’. Alcoholic beverages are called ‘spirits’ for this reason. In alchemy, alcohol is used to extract the Soul essence of an entity. Alcohol extraction is used in extracting essences for essential oils, cannabis, and sterilizing. By consuming alcohol into the body, it extracts the essence of the Soul, allowing the body to be more susceptible to low frequency entities. Promiscuity and casual sex is also another way to transfer entities between Human hosts. All of which are heavily promoted in the 3D matrix and corporate pop culture.
Humans are starting to understand that we are in a spiritual war and many have been and still are being attacked energetically.
Why are spiritual attacks happening more frequently these days?
Let's start with the Schumann Resonance. The Higher Energy has been pouring in for over a decade. By 2012, the old energetic quarantine, placed by the old rulers, had been broken. This is part of Humanity’s Ascension process as well as Earth’s liberation. This means since 2012, Human Souls were freed after transitioning from Earth’s physical realm. From this point, they could leave and journey back to Source or wherever their Soul’s journey takes them in their next eternal chapter. This also opened up for new Souls and Beings to incarnate into Earth’s physical realm as well. After 2012, Earth has had several waves of Starseeds, Indigo children, and Star Family incarnating into its physical realm — for the purpose of assisting in this Great Awakening Ascension transition.
Much of this ‘Light-work’ is actually janitorial. Like it or not, the ground crew is the clean up crew.
So as the Higher Energy and Light have been blasting into our physical realm, all physical Beings have felt these Energy waves, whether they understand it or not. The DNA and cellular activations, the system upgrades, and Energy in the Aether have been very intense where it has been coined ‘Ascension Symptoms’.
Those that are aware of this, on their spiritual journey path, and have been working on their shadow and inner parts of their CELLph are dealing with it properly. Those that are not aware of any of this will deal with it, in their attained state of consciousness and based on their old matrix programming — by further indulgence and satisfying their physical desires or deliberate distraction from outer sources.
Now think of what the Ascension Symptoms are doing to non physically energetic beings, especially to those that hold heavy and dark energy — such as the ghosts, poltergeists, ghouls, goblins, demons, and other dark entities. This Higher Energy is causing massive discomfort, annoyance, irritation, pain, agony, torment, suffering, and etc.
Think of an entity that has resided in an old haunted house for decades or possibly centuries is now being evicted from its home. It cannot stay there anymore because the energetic signature of our physical realm has changed drastically. The frequency is too high now.
Earth is not the old dense and dark energy it once was. Today’s New Earth has a different ‘higher’ energetic frequency and this Energy is not pleasant or sustainable for the old dark entities anymore. These very disgruntled entities are being evicted from their residencies. They are roaming around essentially ‘homeless’, with low energy. These entities are parasitic and they must siphon on ‘loosh energy’, preferably from Humans. Since their evictions, they are desperately seeking to attach to unaware Humans more and more.
This is why spiritual and entity attacks are occurring much more often these days. Unaware Humans are their salvation and Energy Source.
The good news is that the higher frequency energies are not a sustainable physical place for the ongoing spiritual attacks and manipulations. The dark forces understand this. The corporate matrix and its controllers also understand this — thus the reason why they are pushing satanic symbolism and messages in the open public.
Their last desperate attempt for ultimate control is the medical modification of Human DNA into controllable trans-humanoids — with their massive campaigns targeting children or young adults, because they are the most unaware Humans and also possess the most Life Force Energy.
These entities must attach and feast on new hosts in order to survive in this Higher Energetic realm. As the new Light-grid strengthens, as more Humans awakens and rises in consciousness, as the Love frequency expands, and Earth’s ley lines are rebirthed, as Earth’s Vortex Energy continues to purge and cleanse the old, these ‘spiritual attack' events will only cause the old entities further pain and suffering.
They will attack more and more.
If One is in states of fear, sadness, confusion, and anger — these low emotions also portals or holes in the Auric Field, as an open invitation for the dark entities to come in.
In lower emotional states, the Human is giving all their power away and their precious Life Force Energy will be siphoned by unseen entities in 3D reality. The negative entities, which reside in the 4th and lower 3rd dimension, want as many Humans to remain in lower frequencies, to be harvested as an Energy Source. Humans that absorb and emit low frequencies, produced by low emotional states, will continuously be trapped into low timelines as low Energy can only create low, distorted physical manifestations.
Strengthening the Auric Field is one of the best ways for protection from these wandering dark entities. Detoxing and fasting. Clearing biological parasitic entities must also be done internally as well. The body-vessel must be clear and fully-charged.
There is no need to absorb any fear. Knowing ThySelf is knowing One’s true God-Given Divine Powers. There’s no need for a battle. Once the Light is turned on, the room is simply not dark anymore. Prayers are also very vital and your energetic alignment and connection with Source or God is embodying.
These entities have been here long enough. They have been stuck in a miserable state of being. They have served their sentences for multiple lives. They do not wish to be in this current Earth’s realm anymore, especially with the Higher Energy increasing.
The dark occult Humans that work and serve such entities prey on unaware Humans to unknowingly and openly invite these dark entities into their lives — to maintain their status and position in the 3D world.
The counter measure is to be aware and knowing — to then act accordingly. You may even encounter and partake in an Exorcism. It is not like what it is portrayed in the movie. It is not scary. It is knowing, calm but commanding, as a Vessel of Light and GOD, to do the work in the physical realm. This is the work of a Light-Warrior in spiritual warfare battles.
We do have help too. The Earth Alliance, along with benevolent Light Forces, have launched a major planetary liberation operation. This Grand Ascension and Freedom Operation involves millions of Light Beings working together, from the sky to the ground, to clear out all frequencies surrounding Earth that resonate at a low frequency.
It is time to rise up out of this false trap, become who and what you truly are again. Benevolent Light Forces are working to finalize the new crystalline Light Grid — which is causing rapid DNA activation and reprogramming of the Divine ‘GOD-Coded’ Human DNA.
By the history of Earth’s wars alone, you know how much damage and trapped Human Souls and negative entities have been created. There is lots of clean up. Give these poor entities a portal out of this Earth’s realm. They want and need to go home. They want to return back to the Light. They must return back to the original Source Energy. Open the door for them. Send them back. Cleanse your own physical realm from these entities. This is our janitorial work.
Put on the Armor of GOD and the whole embodiment of Christ, to command and invite the negative entities back to Source.
It is the Mother Energy that sends the entities back to Source.
In a calm and commanding state of Being — recite this simple Prayer out loud to SEND THEM BACK.
Dear Divine Aetheric Eternal Mother, The Holy Father, The Holy Son, The ALL ONE CREATOR SOURCE GOD — I invite you into my Heart Space to be with me here and now. Thank you for my experiences and for all that I have — my health, strength, protection, wisdom and Love. I Am a Vessel of Light to do your work in the physical realm. I Am A Free and Sovereign Being.
All dark and negative entities, attachments, implants, parasites, AI and nanites are not allowed in my physical spacetime reality, in all dimensions, past, present, and future. I call forth the Divine Aetheric Eternal Mother and invite all unwanted entities, here and now, to walk with the Mother and go back to Source for Good.
I Am activating my DNA. I Am healing my body-vessel. I Am clearing fragments, fractals, and debris — all that does not benefit me. I Am claiming my Self-Mastery — the qualities, gifts, virtues, and attributes of my Divine-Self. I Am a living example of Divine Love, Peace, Clarity, Balance, Harmony, Beauty and Joy. SO BE IT. SO IT IS. I AM THAT and THAT I AM.
Blissings, Love & Light.
Telegram: @drue86 / Twitter: @drue86 / Truth Social: @drue86 / IG: @cosmiclighforce
My dear soulbro, what's the sticker on your third eye in one of your selfie video lately? Please share where I can get it? Namaste!🙏🏼🌟🌟🌟