There’s a youtube documentary called Kaneh Bosm: the Hidden Story of Cannabis in the Old Testament, that talks about the potential role of cannabis in the Old Testament, under the Hebrew name Kaneh Bosm. Kaneh Bosm was used as an incense in the Old Testament, but also it was a key ingredient in the Holy anointing oil, which was used in the installations of both High Priests and Kings. The ancient recipe for this anointing oil, recorded in the Old Testament book of Exodus included over 9 pounds of cannabis flowers, Hebrew kaneh-bosm, olive oil extracts, along with other herbs.
The ancient chosen ones were drenched in this cannabis holy oil. From the time of Moses, the holy anointing oil was used by the shamanic Levite priesthood to receive the "revelations of the Lord." At the dawn of the age of Kings, the use of the anointing oil to the Hebraic monarchs by anointing Saul and David as "Messiah-king." These kings lead their people with the benefit of insights achieved through using the holy anointing oil to become "possessed with the spirit of the Lord.”
Anointing was common among kings of Israel. It was the sign and symbol of royalty. The word ‘Messiah' signifies the Anointed One, and none of the kings of Israel were styled the Messiah unless anointed. The title was clearly only given to those "having the crown of God's function upon them (Leviticus 21:12)" (Doane, 1882).
After the fall of the Jewish kingdoms and the loss of an independent monarchy under foreign rule, the use of this Holy Oil disappeared. The ministry of Jesus marked the return of the Jewish Messiah Kings and the re-emergence of the holy oil. However, Jesus seems to have violated the Old Testament taboo on cannabis oil, which prohibited its use to Priests and kings and distributed it freely to heal the sick and wounded. — with that being said, we have been in violation with this Holy Plant & Oil and still is… WWJD though chuuurch!?!
Peace, Blessings, Love & Light 🙏🏽💜
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Kaneh Bosm The Hidden Story of Cannabis in the Old Testament