These are times of great momentous change. It's so important that we do not get dragged down in a spiral of fear & negativity that is in our pop culture. You must be diligent in your determination to stay centered & focused on your personal vision for the future. Do not allow others to deter you from your path out of a false sense of duty or old ties that bind you to the illusion of the 3rd/4th Dimensions. From this moment on, only do things that excites you & brings a sense of satisfaction, for therein lies your mission & how you can best serve.
As you bring more joy into your life, others will notice & begin to follow your example, and as you activate this inner power source more & more, it will trigger what is needed for others to open their heart center & begin the awakening process. You can be the catalyst that will help those within your sphere of influence to move more quickly through the process of healing emotional wounds, and through your words of wisdom you can inspire them to turn inward & begin to listen to the nudging of Spirit.
Be aware that there will be people who come into your life who may discourage you from your path as you move further along the spiral of ascension, and there may be some that you will leave behind as you delve deeper into the complexities of enlightenment. As you learn the lessons that are presented to you, and you are ready to advance toward the Light, many of those around you will stay stuck in the illusion of the inharmonious lower dimensions.
Do not judge. Bless them & allow them to follow their own path, but do not let them deter you from yours. You are the vanguard, brave enough to step away from popular beliefs & the limited consciousness of the 3rd & lower 4th-dimensional environment. You are in the process of accessing more & more of your Sacred Mind – your own cosmic library where a great wealth of information, knowledge & ancient memories are stored.
Peace, Blessings, Love & Light 🙏🏽💜
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