3D sex depletes — it is the fast food of human intimacy. 3D humans hold years and lifetimes of energetic baggage, trauma, karmic energies, parasitic and negative entities, biological and chemical imbalances, distortions and diseases. The average 3D sex last about 10 minutes or less, and I won’t get into the ‘minutemen’ subject — which often leads to erectile disfunction and the attacks on male fertility. Modern 3D sex culture has a history of low vibrational old programs, abuse, porn, sex pills, ego-feeds and overly-used for basic instant gratification.
The matrix overstimulates all human pulses — pushing all senses and emotions to unhealthy extremes. Instant gratification experiences are ‘microwave’ sensations and it is NOT good at all. Microwave food is the opposite of a slow cooked Loving and healing meal. Fast-paced humans experience cheap, fast, microwaved flirting, foreplay, sex, and orgasms — doing it and getting it over with as often as possible — without time to connect, absorbing the energies, processing, brewing, activating, playing and taking it to new heights of existence.
When a 3D man or woman orgasms, all energies are released back into the aether — likely to be siphon by parasitic entities in the 4th dimension. After the orgasm, the body releases sedation chemicals and hormones — while valuable Life Force Energy, needed for optimal body performance, is depleted. Sleep usually follows but many 3D humans do not listen to their bodies and continue to run on E.
Sacred Energy Xchange harness and channels sexual energies for miraculous manifestations including healing and enhancing the whole human being to rearranging quantum matter and realm. This is not new information as sexual energies have been practiced for centuries, like ‘Sexual Transmutation’ – the channeling of sexual energies for manifestation and creativity. This concept was popularized in Western society by Napoleon Hill’s famous book ‘Think and Grow Rich’.
The Kama Sutra is the oldest surviving Hindu text on sexuality, desire, emotional fulfillment, and Love. Fangzhongshu or the ‘Arts of the Bedchamber’ is ancient Chinese Taoist techniques on sexual practices – with roots to be traced back 1,500 years ago. It contains many directives for treatments that increase sexual energy, or cure erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and other kinds of sexual disorders.
Kundalini, which translates from Sanskrit to "coiled snake," describes the energy that rests, often dormant, coiled at the base of the spine – in the root chakra, where the sexual energies lay. When it rises or awakens, it can cause a number of experiences and symptoms. With the higher frequencies of New Earth, activating Sacred Sexual Energies to enhance new levels of Life experiences can become magical and limitless.
To experience true sacred energy exchange for its potential healing and manifestation powers, there are prerequisites with conditions and challenges. The Mind, Body and Soul must prepare to handle such a sacred experience — parasitic, energetic, biological and chemical cleansing, practicing celibacy for discipline, while breathwork, yoga and meditation is required for substantial time. Humans prepare their mind and body for matrix work, for a vacation, contest or event, but many may overlook or not prepare for a Divine enhancing experience with the most potent energies of the human body.
There is a connection between the loss of ejaculatory fluids to the loss of Vital Life Force (Qi or Chi energy), which results in premature aging, illnesses, and general fatigue. Thus by decreasing the frequency of, or even avoiding, ejaculation is essential preserving life essence. There are many techniques such as pulling out immediately before an orgasm, certain breathing and focusing techniques, or applying pressure on the perineum and thereby retaining the sperm and ejaculation. However, Divine Feminine orgasms can potentially be energizing and not draining. It is essential for men to practice ejaculation control, masturbation abstinence or semen retention — to last longer, experience multidimensional and multi-orgasms of their partner.
New energetic levels can unlock Divine Masculine Powers. This energy can be shared with the Divine Feminine, to absorb the Divine Masculine Energies, which can unlock her full-spectrum Goddess Powers. Absorbing and harmonizing Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies through sexual experiences can bring powerful healing, upgrades and magical manifestations into physical spacetime.
In Tao, Sacred Energy Xchange is called Sexual Alchemy or Neidan – the practice of Inner Alchemy, also known as Jindan or the Golden Elxir, used to prolong life and create an immortal spiritual body that would survive after death. In Neidan the human body becomes a cauldron for the Three Treasures – Jing ("Essence"), Qi ("Breath") and Shen ("Spirit").
Hieros Gamos is the Sacred Union of the Divine Masculine God and Divine Feminine Goddess and during the Sacred Energy Xchange, the inexhaustible Qi can replenish all Life Force Energy within the physical human body. In fact, having as much sex as possible, and by doing it the right way, one has the opportunity to transform more Jing and experience many health benefits.
This is the most sacred experience and CAN NOT be shared with a yearly line-up of new boyfriends or girlfriends. Even in marriages, if the partners are not energetically or spiritually aligned, fully cleansed, then it will not work at its fullest potential. Finding a true deeply connected & resonating partner is a must. This experience is also not meant for everyone. Not everyone will experience a ‘lottery winning ticket’. As humanity raises awareness and consciousness, more and more humans will find their resonating partners to experience and create these sacred vibrations for expansion in the physical realm. We are NOT quite there yet as of now.
Building Sexual Energy — flirting, deep breathing, and touching can swirl the energies between partners and build enormous electrical currents within the body-vessel through the fascia. During this time, both partners should focus on opening up energy meridians and activating the chakras.
The skin is the largest human organ and with intentional Loving touch, the friction of one skin on another generates static-like electrical charges, sending massive frequencies outwards, energetic wave patterns and cosmic encodings. For Divine Feminine, a sensual breast massage, ovarian breathwork and the usage of the Yoni Egg can stimulate and generate a massive amount of Qi or Jing Energy, adding to the quantum environment for beneficial absorption for both partners. The root chakra or sexual energies is the most powerful energy in a human body — as it is wired to connect everything to everything, on all multidimensional levels.
Electronic devices work better when they're fully charged. We are bio-electromagnetic quantum beings & we have to be fully charged to function at optimal performance. To manifest, heal, enhance your body, it requires LOTS of potential energy, so there is great benefits to fully charge the body-vessel in sexual experiences. Short & fast sexual experiences or quickies is not enough to build up a proper energetic charge — to circulate & activate the whole cellular body.
When activating or touching areas of the root chakra, these energies are wired & connected to the whole body. Build a slow long charge without being too excited, anxious or rushing — peaking too quickly or pre-ejaculation will limit or off-balance the sexual experience.
Deep breaths calm and relax the body for maximum enjoyment in every present moment. Bring back the natural state of being — release all tensions and energetic blockages — for better energetic flow, in a clean and clear, salt and alkalized, quantum Lightbody-Water Vessel.
Circulating Sexual Energy — the energy moves up and down the spine (cerebral spinal fluid or CSF) and activate the other chakras. As energy moves upwards, it can potentially produce a piezoelectric effect to the pineal gland. Piezoelectricity (piezoelectric effect) is the appearance of an electrical potential or a voltage across the sides of a crystal when you subject it to mechanical stress or by squeezing it. This is common in quartz watches. This also happens in the pineal gland as there are crystals inside and when pressure is applied by the energy of breath, it creates an electrical charge to further activate senses beyond the physical realm.
The Sacred Heart steady pumps blood flow as electrical currents fire within the nervous system. Touch becomes highly sensitive. Pausing physical touch to place more focus on breathing and etheric energy movements through breathwork — carrying the sacred sexual energy throughout the entire body and auric field.
This magical energy can be shared, felt by the partner, creating a harmonizing flow. Intention is key at this point – bring awareness to your intentions. Energy can be directed through and around the body, expanding the vortices of energy chakras. Resume back to touch, play, and skin friction get the biological juices circulating again — pumping energizing and youthful hormones and magnetic charges. All levels of the body will be in an overflow state — cellular, etheric, emotional, energetic, biological, chemical, and physical.
Exchanging Sexual Energy — When proper sexual energy is build up within the body, it can be used and/or exchange. In Fangzhongshu, the true essence is not the sexual arts itself, but using the sexual activity to ‘Join the Energies’ for the full mind, body and spirit enhancement.
When two energetically aligned humans engage in intentional sexual energetic exchanges, the quantum realm becomes activated and everything flows and moves. When there is an abundance of energy and both body-vessels are clean and alkalized, electricity can flow instantly without blockage. Salt water and oxygen surrounds the central nervous system, carrying electrical charges of high frequencies, high intentions, Divine consciousness — activating rarified Divine Light and encodings from the aether. This electric flow connects the body to the immediate environment and its energetic signature ripples into the quantum field.
Partners can coordinate movements together, creating beautiful waves, patterns, and sequences of energy flow — like beautiful musical duet. Unison in frequencies, Light and sound creating colorful auric torus fields, merkaba, monadic, and infinity symbol flow.
This harmonizing exchange of the most potent Cosmic Energy can unlock dormant DNA codes, instantly dissolve toxins or diseased cells, break energy blockages, repair organs, fine-tune the overall body-vessel, or send the energies into the quantum field for future spacetime manifestations.
Creative ideas, charging and recharging, healing, activating, manifestations all need energy to be fulfilled. Partners can engage in deep intimate sexual intercourse or playful physical touch, pleasuring their partners way beyond regular boring 3D sex. Exchanging energies can last many hours or however long both partners are willing to go.
When the Sacred Energies become extremely intense and powerful, in its climatic state of being, a Special Reserve Amrita nectar will be manifested and released from the Divine Feminine body. Amrita is a Sanskrit word that means ‘immortality’ — the drink of the Devas. Devas means ‘Heavenly, Divine, anything of excellence’. It is also one of the terms for a deity in Hinduism. The concept of an immortality drink is attested in two main ancient languages — Ancient Greek and Sanskrit. In Chinese Buddhism, Amrita is described as blessed water. The chance to taste and swallow the Amrita of a Divine Goddess Being is a pure blessing as this sacred nectar holds a magical power for human DNA activation.
The Divine Masculine Energetic Being also produces his own Sacred Elixir. The potency from abstinence and celibacy will flow and taste like sweet honey — swallowing it will also unlock great healing and activation powers. When the Sacred Elixir and Amrita mix and are absorbed, the DNA codes will activate and evolve into a Source GOD-Unification of Divine Masculine and Feminine Energetic bodies — for unlimited possibilities and timelines of miraculous manifestations in the physical realm. This is the full spectrum power of a Sacred Energy Xchange experience.
Peace, Blessings, Love & Light 🙏🏽💜
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