I’m going to take a shot explaining Trump & his vaq stance.
The long-time-coming plan of the (Deep State, cabal, cult, bloodline families, etc) DS’s End Game.
After obama, there were multiple DS plans in phases. Plan A (thwarted) — newly selected president Killary would finish the NWO agenda with a 9/11-sized false flag to start WW3 with Russia (Putin). Simultaneously roll out the global convid plandemic, with years of lockdown & a mandatory vaq for EVERY COUNTRY. This was killed by President Trump & The Earth Alliance.
Plan B — The DS would release convid with Trump still in office regardless. Fraudci announced this in 2017.
Plan C — The Alliance releases the vaq early, before the DS. Operation Warpspeed — by releasing it early, all DS convid assets were NOT ready, super-rushed, fumbling, clown-show, and exposing deceit, censorship, gaslighting — as critical thinkers, truthers & general public will SEE their true agenda.
Plan D — Total global chaos. The DS is completely frustrated, upset & desperate at the People’s Great Awakening, and having all their plans being thwarted by the Alliance.
So like a spoiled mean child, not getting what they want — the child is kicking & screaming as much as possible. This is the mockingbird media gaslighting, supply crisis, hyperinflation, fear porn, false flags & distractions. This is the current phase we are in now.
The Alliance knew of their convid bio-weapon, depopulation agenda long ago & used it as another sting op, just like the election fraud. The DS’s plan was to lock down the world in 2020 for 3 years, which would kill the global economy, kill all small businesses, break people’s spirits, masked up in massive fear & turn the world into one big NWO rule. All Earth humans would get monthly survival stipends (the not-so-great reset — you will own nothing & be happy).
By 2024-2025, an official FDA-approved vaq would be released & it would be mandatory for every human being on Earth to take it. The entire world would be completely destroyed & the satanic cult could do anything they want at this point. That’s the END GAME of mankind — billions would die.
The Alliance & Trump made the hardest decision — to release a vaq in record time (Operation Warpspeed) to foil their plan.
By releasing the vaq early, it must be under the Emergency Act so it CAN NOT be mandatory. Trump released the vaq in December 2020 right before he left office — rushed, unfinished, with ZERO effectiveness & authorized for Emergency Use only — distributed by The Military Alliance (placebo shots). The same groups that now push for pedo joe’s mandatory vaq, all spoke out against Trump’s vaq in the beginning.
By forcing the DS to push their campaign early, they did not have their assets ready. This exposed & awakened millions of people.
How many of y’all was awakened in 2020?
How many hidden DS agents were exposed? Exposing the matrix companies — big tech, big media, fraudci, billy g, nih, cdc, who, un, gavi, harvard, john hopkins, non-profits, NGOs & especially the fda. Look how fast the fda are approving these deadly poison shots — for children & babies now. People are WAKING UP TO THIS. We are also witnessing all the horrible & tragic adverse reactions too.
Lies by cdc, who, nih & all the parties involved are also being exposed (fraudci emails) — along with how ineffective & harmful the vaqz truly are. The DS narrative is crumbling fast because they had to cram their full 5-year agenda into 2020 & 2021. This is why the campaign is so aggressive — we went from “jabs for free donuts, ice cream, joints, lotto tickets & even lap dances” to now you must have vaq passports, ID chips & mandatory jabs at jobs, to participate in the matrix society. MANY PEOPLE including the normies are waking up to this whole mess.
However I do believe a large portion of the vaq shots are saline or placebo that was distributed by The Alliance Military as part of Operation Warpspeed. Even the fake-checkers have “debunked” this which makes it even more credible.
While there were and are still saline shots being distributed, many of the shots are NOT safe. There is no way to stop millions & millions of shots. DS shots are being produced & distributed all over the world. For instance, batches of bad vaqz could be sent to a warehouse in Los Angeles & it’s distributed throughout all the local CVS. There’s no way they could all be confiscated. There are very real potential dangers in these shots.
The Alliance knew that the anons, truthers, even maga & general critical thinkers would not take the vaq once they look at the facts, by witnessing the exposure of DS agents & the convid clown show. Don’t forget Trump has tweets about the dangers of vaqs way before his presidency.
Everything about Trump’s presidency has been encoded, why would this stop now, especially in the thick of war. They always refer to Art of War tactics. All of Trump’s interviews are coded messages. His whole stance on the vaq is coded, because WE ARE IN A REAL WAR!
He CAN NOT oppose the vaq BECAUSE in public optics, he HELP CREATED IT, RELEASED IT & is loudly taking credit for Operation Warpspeed. He EVEN credits “US” in doing this together.
What does he mean by US?
We DID NOT create or release a vaq, but we are a part of Operation Warpspeed, by sharing important information & dangers of the vaq — especially seeing how much gaslighting & censorship the matrix companies are doing. Operation Warpspeed is a sting op & our role has always been to help one another, keep us safe & stay alert in this covert war.
Even his definition of the vaq is unclear — he promotes therapeutic remedies like HCQ, regeneron, ivermectin etc. These remedies are also legally defined as a vaq too. Everyone knows Trump has had covid before & his doctors know about natural immunity.
Why would he need to get a booster when he had covid already? He simply answers questions about the vaq and this is where he flat out lies. His body language would suggest this also.
Why would he lie that he got the vaq?
Would that change your decision NOT to get the vaq? With all the vaq info available, would you actually get the shot if Trump said he got it?
I know I wouldn’t & I believe you wouldn’t too. Perhaps Trump haters may NOT get the shot just because Trump said he got it.
If Trump were to say he did NOT get the shot or publicly talk about how dangerous it is, the mockingbird media would use this to attack him again. We have seen these false flag episodes multiple times.
If he helped create the first vaq & then goes back to say it's no good, then he would be the biggest anti-vaxxer target & they could even blame the unvaq’d deaths on Trump — possibly bringing criminal charges, lawsuits, etc. It would be the Russian hoax, impeachment, etc all over again but with the anti-vaxx narrative.
Remember Trump’s bleach comment — they made it seem like Trump told people to drink bleach to kill convid.
By staying firmly on his vaq stance, from the day he announced it & always adding in it should be by choice — NOT mandatory, he is NOT giving the media any ammo to run any false flags against him. This would be an unnecessary battle & massive waste of time for Trump to counter these moves.
The people that took the vaq were old folks, pushed by fear — many took it on fear-based. They were bribed, persuaded or coerced by their jobs, schools, family etc. Some took it for the desire to go back to their old normal. Some didn’t think much about it & just blindly followed. Some believed in the matrix science.
Everyone has their free will choice. Mandates, even heavy pressure from school or work is NOT someone physically forcing a person to take the shot.
As for me, it was never a choice — I knew I would never get it regardless of what the 3D scenarios are & I know many of y’all feel the same way. Those that took the shot, for whatever reasons they may be — their reasoning & decision is irrelevant to Trumps’ vaq status & stance.
The Alliance knew Trump’s vaq status would NOT change the minds of those that weren't going to take it anyways. And perhaps those that took the first shot & are having regrets about it now, may actually feel better than Trump said he took it. They will not feel alone in this. It could make them more hopeful that they can get past this, knowing Trump also had the vaq.
It was a hard decision but every calculation by the White Hats, the quantum computers, Q intel, maybe even Project Looking Glass or something similar, have outlined all possible scenarios & timelines — they picked the route with the least possible civilian casualties.
Yes, millions took the shot but know that the vaq numbers are also inflated just like the convid numbers. But yes, millions that took the shot can possibly die from it — it’s still better than many billions dying.
Trump CAN NOT denounce the vaq while Operation Warpspeed is still ongoing. Durham is closing in. Election fraud is closing in. Financial game is closing in. Convid fraud is closing in. The operation to take down big pHARMa is closing in. Many chess boards are in active play — QD Chess.
This is a REAL WAR & there will be casualties of those who are unaware. Read between the lines. Decode the messages. The clues are left out purposely. We are here to help one another. I believe this to be the TRUEST version of the Alliance’s playbook. Our belief system & energy manifests the timeline we experience personally & collectively — I STRONGLY BELIEVE we are closing in to body-slamming the whole global DS matrix & taking back control in all major countries around the world. There are massive factual events that have led up to this crucial point & to support this theory. Stay safe out there. Godspeed.
Peace, Blessings, Love & Light 🙏🏽💜
Love and blissings brother, full of gratitude for the dIlengence you continue to do and share with us all.
So, we can become more aware and are able to do our own research, with the knowledge you provide.
" Stay strong 💪 inn your rise."
New Earth is rising and we are creating, manifesting more love, light and insight.🌟💫🌟💫💛💫💖🙏🏻💜