The original Deep State [DS] plan was 16 years with Barry Soetoro’s 8 years and the next 8 years of Hillary Clinton — to usher in their original global pandemic agenda and a nuclear World War 3. That plan was thwarted by the Earth Alliance ‘White Hats’ Military with Trump being their frontman, which became the biggest monkey wrench for the New World Order. Even if this timeline had not unfolded, all other timelines of their plan would still end in failure.
Well over 10 years ago, an unchangeable timeline prediction was made by Project Looking Glass, a special-ops military operated quantum AI computer, sent the [DS] into utter panic and denial — as Humanity reaches a certain point, NOTHING THEY COULD DO WOULD ALTER A RESULT IN THEIR FAVOR. Their DOOM was inevitable.
We have been on a locked collective timeline, which confirms — Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming! Nothing can change the outcome. It is this very prediction that pushed the senior and highest level, non-human, old guards to leave Earth. Leaving Earth to their lower minions scrambling and going to war with one another, trying to absorb the leftover resources and assets, while trying not to die and get caught by global military operations.
The events are unfolding as they should. All timelines will lead to the liberation of Earth and her Sentient Beings. We still have a long way to go. The rest of the 2020’s decade will reveal to the world who and what was running the entire planet — psychopaths, tyrants, sadomasochists, satanists, pedophiles, communist, wizards, and witches with all the spells, illusions, tricks, and their Babylonian slave debt financial system.
This is the first ENDING. To free Humanity from the old corporate maritime law and its slave debt money. From there, Humans can live freely, without stress and struggle, to be at ease, to breathe deeply, to reflect, to heal, and to raise their consciousness.
To truly understand Humanity's current state of consciousness, we can simply refer to the yearly sales of everyday matrix companies and consumer goods brands. Especially harmful stuff, such as sodas, beers, fast foods, candies, chips, hot dogs, bathroom products, household cleaning supplies, etc. Although the sales of these companies are dropping, they still rake in tens to hundreds of millions a year — which means many millions are still consuming poisonous products.
As we move deeper into the Awakening Journey and as Humans become more liberated by the truth, they will withdraw their energetic and financial support from matrix companies that are not friends, or worst enemies, of Humanity.
There are over 6,500 hidden and suppressed patents that would change our modern civilization as we know it. These patents will be released into public knowledge. Everything as we know it will change. Everything must change. Nothing will be the same in the old world. Everything is already changing. Relationships are changing. Decades of marriages are now dissolving because the alignment of energy has become too wide and unbearable, where even financial security, traditions, or simply the fear of being alone, and other reasons that once held it together, can no longer do so. This is also happening in business relationships and friendships as well.
The awakened woman and man are now finding themselves in uncharted waters, no matter where they are in life, no matter what age they are. Many people have been quitting their old habits and vices. Many are unplugging from their old programs, old information and media, the old foods they used to eat, everyday social norm activities and groups. Everything is now determined by energetic alignment or resonance.
A major paradigm shift is taking place in Human relationships. As Humans start to have a clear and deeper inner-standing of the ‘Sacred Energy Xchange’ and the dangers of diseases, parasites, energetic vampires, succubi, negative or dark entity attachments and possession through sexual intercourse — promiscuity, one night stands, casual sex, sex in exchange for financial or material gains, lecherous and salacious behavior will start purging more and more from the collective.
The Full Spectrum Power of a Sacred Energy Xchange Experience
Earth girls are easy and 3D men are addicted to the physical pleasures of flesh and sex.
The old matrix pop culture of sex has created a cesspool of unaware ‘whorish-behaving’ Humans that are being siphoned of their Loosh Energy. Add in eons of rape, sexual traumas, incest, child abuse and pedophilia, abusive relationships, sexual transmitted diseases, erectile dysfunction, sexual harrassment, blackmail, sex addicts, fetishes, sadomasochism, the psyop of women’s sexual freedom, the weaponization of pornography, the biological attacks and surgical multilation of sexual organs, and all other sexual perversions — and it is clear that there is much needed healing in the Root Chakra of the collective.
Everyone needs to step away from the sexual cesspool. It’s ok to take a timeout. It is actually necessary. This is the newly awakened man’s biggest challenge, especially the ladies man, the womanizer or player, and especially the hot gay guy. In the recent years of convid-19 and the vaccine agenda, it has shrunk the dating pool or potential sexual partners drastically — as non-vaccinated people are very weary or will never have sex with a vaccinated person. Regardless, the matrix society has created a nonstop collective orgy fest and it is time to step away from the cesspool.
Instead of spewing Loosh and valuable Life Force Energy, it is wise to preserve and reserve this Energy for Self-Healing and greater manifestation. Every Human Being will need all of their Energy to make it through this Great Awakening Journey.
As the awakened man and women start to heal, gain their strength and power — they will start attracting more outsiders, potential negative entities or Energy. The bugs fly to the Light. This is where their discipline will be tested. For the Divine Masculine males, their Auric Field will become magnetic to many women, especially 3D or women that are still plugged in the matrix. Unaware women, especially the hot ones, that are host to copious parasites, vampires and other unwanted entity attachments — are being manipulated by signals to use their physical attraction to lure unaware men into bed. These entities must continue to feast and siphon on new Energy for their own salvation in this new higher energetic realm.
Human Souls trapped in purgatory
The awakened man must be vigilant and disciplined as he is now the gatekeeper of his sexual experiences. He can no longer simply accept sex from any willing partners or a regular ‘hot chick’. This is the same scenario for the awakened female too. Everyone should give their root chakra a rest.
Awakened relationships are starting to define itself as a new concept. We cannot bring the old programs, attributes, issues, and problems from ‘matrix relationships’ into the new versions of Self. If these factors are still relevant, then this Energy is a heavy anchor that will limit elevation for both partners. Everything must change.
The old rules of engagement and interaction in relationships are changing. The lower energetic and emotional spectrum cannot be present in new relationships or else it is simply ‘unhealed or not ready’ partners that are pretending to be in a higher conscious relationship. The sacred union between two Humans must begin with a deep purification process, being egoless, whole, holy, holding loving space and energy, to honor their journey together in the present, and ultimately flow towards Hieros Gamos. These are the sacred unions of Self-Masters, ready to, or have taken, dominion of their physical Land, Air, and Water, to be the Keepers of Divine LAW and to fulfill their Purpose and Mission together.
However, we are still in a very early stage of collective transitioning. Humanity is still at war. There are many pockets of danger. Chemical and biological warfare are still ongoing in certain areas. Massive changes in the matrix industries are unfolding. Many just want to live out their simple Human lives, but we all have made the choice to come here, in this present spacetime, in our particular body-vessel container, in our certain area of Earth — to fulfill our Mission and this is more important than whatever other ideas, thoughts, plans, and goals we may have picked up during this journey here.
I have sat and heard the concerns from many Humans on finding the right ‘awakened’ partner and to start a family. Much of the concerns are the old age issue. The ‘biological clock’ in women has always been an old energy thing. This is a sensitive issue for many, which can easily lead down a path of massive stress and even panic. Add in negative entities or parasitic voices and manipulation, which can potentially lead to more vulnerability and horrible mistakes.
Awakened men and women, in the 30s to 50s age bracket, are coming to their own conclusion that this illusion of time is working against them. If they are not in a happy and committed relationship for the creation of their own family, then this is becoming a real existential issue. This is potentially causing much discomfort, grief, sadness, and even stress — all lower emotions, which hinders the further rise in consciousness, living in love, and experiencing their highest timeline reality.
In one perspective, there is a real depopulation agenda and it is working. Population growth in many countries have stopped or have declined. For Humans, especially awakened and highly conscious Humans, to have babies, is greatly needed.
In another perspective, many newly awakened Humans are having a hard time in finding their Soul Tribe or Family, new friends that are in the same resonance and vibration, or physical friends in their local area — let alone find the right partnership for a family. The dating pool for the awakened Souls are currently quite limited. We are still real early in this game.
We are still at war. There are matrix machinations that are still pushing biological and chemical warfare. There are agendas to solely attack the newborns. Starting a family would be a difficult task in this current phase. I’m not here to tell anyone what or what not to do here, except to perhaps offer a different and wider perspective.
Heavy Energy, especially lower emotional cords, that is ‘forcing’ an issue or goal is usually not how to manifest things or even worse — manifest the very opposite thing.
Manifestation works best in Zero Point Energy, which means it must be in neutral. It is impossible to rise into the higher realms when One is carrying lower frequencies and Energy, such as desperation, anxiety, stress or fear. We cannot experience the full spectrum of the higher timelines when we hold on to our old beliefs and programs, which become deadweight anchors to our goals.
Today is 6/6/6 (24). This heavily distorted matrix number has been usurped to represent the devil. It does not. This number is derived from the carbon-based molecular structure of the Human Being — 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons.
However everything is changing, including the body-vessel. If our carbon-based body is changing into a less dense plasmic, amorphous, crystalline body-vessel, which will have the potential and capacity to de-age and function optimally for hundreds of years — then the ability to procreate would last longer than 3 or 4 decades of time.
Am I saying a 150 year old woman could have a baby in the future? Yes, in the very near future! And not a 150 year old decrepit grandma woman, but a young-looking, healthy, vigorous, strong and beautiful 150 year old woman.
For those that desire to start a family, the illusion of no time will tell if this is truly your destiny to fulfill. We are in an incredible and special phase of Humanity where we have lived in the old world with the potential to live in the new world. Some of us have lived life before the internet, with cord rotary phones, VCR’s, and driving with paper maps or handwritten directions. Today we are living through the fall of the New World Order. Some of us will live to see past this war and well into the Golden Age Era. Some of us will live to see the next few centuries of Humanity on Earth.
Yes, it is ALL POSSIBLE.
For those who believe they can sustain this marathon, know that you will need to stay healthy, strong, and alive for at least 2 more decades — maybe 3 to be certain.
What happens in the next 2 to 3 decades?
Everything changes. Everything is changing and everything will continue to change.
Aside from the natural organic Ascension changes within Humanity and the Human Spirit, Mind, and Body complex, the release of 6,500 patents will change our whole global society to something that is unrecognizable from what it is today. DNA activations, new stem-cell tech, cellular and organ reproduction, anti-aging or aging reversals, frequency-based and bio-harmonic healing tech, and advanced ‘unbelievable’ med beds will be available by then. Not to mention the mass production of original and new ‘high-energy’ superfoods, herbs, minerals, and medicine are also coming.
Today, a 50 year old Human will be 80 years old, in 3 decades — by then, this person can reverse the aging process back to a physical body of 50 years old and within 1 or 2 more decades, further reverse the body back to around 30 years old. This Human Being will be around 100 years old in a 30 years old body. This Human will have the physical abilities of a healthy 30 year old but the wisdom and consciousness of a hundred year old.
And yes, this Human Being can procreate if they decide to.
There are concepts of life on New Earth that will be beyond imagination in the very near future. We are entering our Golden Age — with unbelievable quantum technology, in a less dense light reality, that can only be defined as ‘MAGICK’ by the old world’s definition.
This magical time will be the norm for the new Souls of the future. Just like the Souls that were born in the mid-2000’s and their knowledge of communications were only touch-screen smart phones and nothing else. Only the kids of the 80s & 90s knew text messaging as passing a note through multiple students in a classroom.
The old belief systems and programs will die and it's best to let these old concepts go now, because if it is not let go, the holder of these old beliefs will also die with them. You are only as young as your Heart & Mind.
In this future, there will be a minority class of Self-Masters. These will be Earth’s real life Jedis. They will be present in a completely whole New Earth — a highly evolved conscious society. A new Lemuria, Atlantis, or Pleiades, but in Earth’s version. Everyone will know they have lived in the old world that perhaps existed hundreds of years ago. Everyone will wonder what that was like — what fighting the global tyranny was like. They will be honored, admired, and greatly respected. They will be the great sages in this spacetime reality. I wish for all of you to make it to the next chapters of Earth. We are on an unstoppable timeline of the greatest victory and experience for Humanity. May God be realized within you.
Blissings, Love & Light.
Telegram: @drue86 / Twitter: @drue86 / Truth Social: @drue86 / IG: @cosmiclighforce
Brilliant 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
This was pretty great Drue!